Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My nigga, deep thinker, big drinker....J.Cole

real talk, I'm hella proud of J. Cole like this nigga one of my close homies or something and i know why, cus when you stick with an artist from the jump ( his mix tape The Come Up ) which was good, some legit music to making a CLASSIC mix tape with The Warm Up, to him getting signed to Roc Nation , to him FINALLY releasing his album, i can't tell you how many arguments I've had with people about how he has undeniable talent, but the main counter was "wheres the single??" "wheres the album??" those same people are the same ones nodding there heads to "can't get enough" and witnessing his albums flying off the shelves. J. Cole is the epitome of a rags to riches story. if you hear the stories on how Cole was grinding his whole time out of high school, it just makes you believe anythings possible, thats another reason i admire the guy soo much, he believes in "Dreaming " that those dreams can give you the motivation to reach any goal and he is living proof. Soo shout out to J. Cole selling 115k in the first week wich a great start for an artist album debut. i havent felt the way about an artists music since Kanye and coming from me thats a BIG compliment. From his genius lyricism, to his interchangeable flows and finally to the way he gives you feeling like "i know exactly what he means!" the way he can relate to his fans, to make them feel like he's been through the same situations as us, cole is proof that hip-hop is in a right place. "They say anythings possible, you gotta dream like you never seen obstacles"

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